How did this idea of Wave 11:11 manifest?
Speaking with author friend Carlo Ami the night before the International Day of Peace on 09/21/07, I mentioned that it was disturbing that there was no major media coverage. Knowing that war is viewed as more profitable than peace, I wasn't surprised that the media minimized the promotion of a 'peace day'. That launched this idea to continue awareness that we are indeed ALL in this together, we are One, and to be unified in Love for peace, harmony and healing to happen on Earth.
Since 11:11 is a trigger point to awareness, the idea of having a Love Wave of song, prayer & meditation across Earth on 11/11/07 at 11:11 am (your own local time) was launched the next day - 9/22 - on MySpace. Thousands joined in to participate, with it continuing each year thereafter.
There is no formal organization, just one man with an idea and a passion for celebrating Love. I've had the pleasure of exchanging emails with many and in some cases talking too. There are some wonderful organizations that I have connected with and assist as a "teammate" in promotion. TEAM = Together Everybody Achieves More
Please feel free to write me via the Contact section on 'Intro' page.
"Enjoy this dance we call life and savor it with each new song!"
~ Steven
All who yearn for peace, love, unity and healing on Earth.
Straddling the equator and bordering the International Date Line to the east, the people of the Republic of Kiribati start ~ Wave 11:11 ~ and it's passed from one time zone to the next until the final destination of the island Niue, and the full day of vibrational wave energy flow is completed.
for one hour then pass on to next time zone
We unite together in Oneness with song, prayer & meditation....
as we set the intentional focus on unconditional love.
We are one humanity on earth
All share in the bond of love
All life is symbiotic energy
We are all in this together....One Love
We are All in a journey of remembrance whose purpose is to connect us
to the essences of our souls and the understanding that all is One ~
We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness ....
The flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil can set off a storm in Texas. Isn't that an amazing statement? Physicists call this theory "The Butterfly Effect" to explain how the breeze produced by a butterfly's wings could set off a series of reverberations that over time have a tremendous effect on weather patterns thousands of miles away. Now imagine the impact of millions of butterflies... ALL of us, as we send our LOVE vibrations reverberating throughout the earth ♥
People often view the spiritual path as a search for the light. In truth, spirituality asks us to bring light and darkness together in wholeness. And in fact, this is the only possible solution. In our world of duality, any effort to focus all attention on the light only serves to increase the power of the darkness. Our aim is not to deny or reject anything but to embrace it all.
Freewill Principle -- The positive path honors freewill and the less we tell someone what to believe or how to behave the better. The seed of the negative path is separation and NO unity.
"Many people have traveled this world with different dreams, purposes and aspirations. Many are masters, teachers, inventors and followers. They were all sent by the creator of the universe to achieve one just course; “global peace and unification.” But this course cannot be achieved without unconditional love, which possesses the magical powers of the Divine for transformation. When the human race embraces love unconditional, then the lost will be found, the naked will be clothed, the hungry will be fed, the bombs will be destroyed and there will be peace and unity which will make us all to speak one language, “LOVE”. Let love abide". ~ Philip Dimabo Brown
Love - The Spiritual Path that has no name, number, color, race, creed, sexuality - just the unique blend of who and what each and every one of us is on this miraculous journey through the life we chose this time, at this moment, in this reality and with this understanding. Music, without it, the Soul feels empty. Touch, without it we are nothing. If we can't touch each other at the Soul level then we are in a desert - lost.
Faith, it doesn't have a name but just is, the faith to know you are on your intentional path.