![]() by Ed Spina Escaping the Matrix is a metaphor for the mystic path of enlightenment. Understanding the rules that govern the Matrix provides you with a way out of suffering and towards a life of bliss. The Matrix was one of the most popular and thought-provoking movies of all time. Viewers all over the world were captivated by the film’s primary message: People get into deep trouble when they mistake what they perceive for reality. What most viewers do not realize is that prior to the release of this groundbreaking film, western intelligence agencies were already using the term "the Matrix" to describe today's world. This was in contrast to their work with remote viewers, who would "escape the matrix" to gather intelligence. Art truly does imitate life. In the movie, the Matrix is an elaborate Artificial Intelligence computer simulation that's so captivating that people mistake it for reality. People perceive they are walking about and interacting with others, but their physical bodies are actually submerged in fluid-filled pods, "plugged into" the Matrix, while their vital life force is harnessed to power the Matrix. After Neo (Keanu Reaves) learns the truth, with the help of Morpheus's (Lawrence Fishburne) training, he is able to overcome his misconception that the Matrix is reality. Neo rebels against the machines that create his false reality and, eventually, he escapes the limitations of the Matrix. To others, he has developed superhuman abilities, but, "in reality," he has merely recognized the truth. Escaping the Matrix is a metaphor for the mystic path to enlightenment. The Matrix can be defined as the world that we perceive, which includes the physical world, as well as higher planes of emotions and thoughts, which also affect us. Within the Matrix, are countless fear-based thoughts and emotions that condition us to accept limitations. We are taught that we have little power, and what little power we do have, we are advised to delegate to authority figures and experts. Swimming in a sea of negative thoughts, we are prompted to use our creative ability to imagine even more negative thoughts. Without introspection, the Matrix gets darker and more dense. Anyone who blindly accepts these prevalent, negative thoughts will have his or her life path dictated by the Matrix. But those who recognize that it is our collective thoughts and beliefs that power the Matrix will recognize the way out. When we incarnate on earth, we temporarily forget the higher truth of who we are. Our life mission is to remember, to connect with our innermost self, so that we may transcend the Matrix. The reality we perceive with our senses is not the true reality, but merely a small portion of reality, masquerading as the whole. But, unlike the "alternate reality" that Neo must extricate himself from, in our "reality," there is no need to rebel. Rather, our goal should be to transcend. We want to "be in this world, but not of it." The outer world is a reflection of our inner thoughts and beliefs, whether individual or collective, which have been conditioned by our experience in the Matrix. Consequently, the Matrix is a learning environment, where we get feedback on how our thoughts manifest. Thankfully, our negative thoughts do not (typically) manifest instantaneously. Otherwise, we would risk the spontaneous destruction of our world by thinking negative thoughts. Clearing yourself of negative energies through daily meditation can provide a direct link to the "ultimate reality," i.e., the pure consciousness residing within each of us. As your negative beliefs are purified through regular contact with the "light" of your divine nature, unhealthy emotions, such as fear and anger, will naturally begin to diminish, and you’ll be free to transcend to higher states of consciousness. You will "download" more of your own true self, while simultaneously and automatically attracting others of similar vibration. Your world will become more synchronistic. You will repel angry, fearful people, and those who stick around will become calmer and more centered. You will radiate love. By simply being in higher consciousness, you will have a greater effect on the world than the most gifted orators and political leaders. The higher your consciousness and energy are vibrating, the faster your thoughts will manifest. When you align with your innermost self, you are aligned more closely with the Source of all creation. At the apex of your individual consciousness, you are connected with The One. You then have at your disposal the entire universe to help you manifest the highest good for all. In actuality, we are single points of awareness in the Oneness that is Reality. What we interpret as the physical world is the projection of this awareness, which is taking place in the Mind of God. We are, as Shakespeare pointed out, merely "actors" in a divine play. When we wake up to this knowledge, the play does not stop. We are free to act or interact, in bliss and peace, unattached to the Matrix. We have within us the power to create "heaven on earth." In the past several newsletters, I have described various methods you can use to release fear, eliminate anger, dis-identify with your emotions, take back your power, listen to your inner master, and be yourself. The goal of all of these exercises is the same: to help you escape the Matrix. via: http://www.energycenterclearing.com/escaping-the-matrix.html Doing Is Not BEing
Were you aware that the Name you were given at birth or that which you now choose to be known as, is not only a Trust in the commercial world, but also a Title?! Just how many labels do you choose to identify yourself with on a daily basis? Many people identify as fathers/mothers/spouses, etc. but also as cooks in the kitchen, gardeners, craftsmen, hunters, etc. If you wish to see a vivid example of "Title" bragging, simply go to many Twitter account profiles. Here's just one actual example: Healer, Goddess, Queen, Artist, Vegetarian, Scorpio, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover. Now, consider if you do work as a healing practitioner - a massage therapist, acupuncturist, reiki master, etc. Naturally, you are NOT the healing modality, but rather you ARE someone who utilizes the energies of that particular discipline. Do you see/feel the difference? Still, people choose to SO closely adopt and identify with WHAT they do, rather than simply embracing & holding the sacred energy space. Many have forgotten that these "Titles" are provided by other Humans and are deemed to be a badge of honor and NOT WHO YOU ARE. To wit, this wisdom applies, "Children play, Adults pay and Elders simply reflect on the day." No Title/Label BEcomes You. Doing Is NOT BEing ♥ You Are Not What You Do As a child, life was so magical, Not driven by that which is logical Hide and Seek surely had you glowing, All a playground of learning and growing As a kid, there were no labels and titles, Just growing up admiring your idols The "Box" develops approaching adulthood, There you follow indoctrination or be misunderstood Remembering who you are, is the big clue, One's occupation/label does not define you If seeking sacred wisdom from a school, It's best to seek within, rather than pay for a tool Know that, You Are Not What You Do, Regardless of the point of view. Human Beings NOT Human Doings Together we will make a difference in the campaign to get a Google Doodle for the International Day of Peace on Sept 21st. Thus far, Google has not done a Google Doodle for this recognition of Peace Day, yet they do them for multiple other anniversaries, holidays, etc. BTW - it's the 31st Annual. This is a TWITTER & EMAIL campaign between July 8-12th SHARE THIS WITH FRIENDS and thanks for participating! Why is this significant? Every day Google answers more than one billion questions from people around the globe in 181 counties and in 146 languages, so having a Doodle will bring awareness to 'Peace Day' to millions, perhaps billions who are still not aware of it. What's a Doodle? = http://google.com/doodles/about Whether you decide to participate every day or just one day your email / tweets will be a voice toward our ultimate goal. TWEET THIS: Design #googledoodles for #PeaceDay @ryangermick @googledoodles @google #googledoodle4peaceday or simply this: #googledoodle4peaceday @googledoodles @google EMAIL THIS TO: [email protected] (He is the Google Doodle Team Lead) Subject: GD4PD Ryan - Please have your team design a Google Doodle for the International Day of Peace on September 21st. Thanks. Send Design Ideas to: [email protected] (subject line) Google Doodles, then send note with attached artwork. GOOGLE+ ~ go for it ! Short history - I've been requesting this for several years via emails, phone calls, etc. but all requests have thus far been ignored. So it occurred to me to use the collective power of social media for ALL of our voices to be heard - Namaste, Steven, http://Wave1111.com Be sure to check out ~ www.BeThePeace.com As someone who prefers not to attach labels to myself, this got me thinking - saying your Awake, is yet another "label". In fact, ask most anyone and they will tell you that yes, they are awake! Actually, they are correct, because by whose definition and barometer is this measured? = the amount of Awake-ness
Certainly, some will say there are different 'levels' of being AWAKE and ASLEEP. As the saying goes, "no one may walk in another's shoes", so therefore with this bit of knowledge, what does that tell us?! Only you and you alone, may determine what being 'awake' is for you. No one else! Just because some people are supposedly more informed or "up" on certain topics (spiritual or otherwise), doesn't mean that they are "informed" about others. Each of us has our own 'skill sets'. Think about it this way, the more One knows or thinks they know, many times may just get in the way of BEing. It's been said, it's so simple that even a child can understand it - and they often do so magically because children haven't "over thought" all the possibilities, nor been subjected to all the programming dogma - built up on those filters! The next time you start questioning yourself on not being worthy or knowledgeable enough on any topic, simply just remember you have a specific path/journey experience that is uniquely yours. Now it is your choice on whether or not you choose to place the "good" or "bad" label on these experiences -- just know that everything is ultimately as it should be and always for your highest good. Curious how many so called lifetimes we have possibly experienced? Who really knows for sure or for that matter, cares! What truly is important, is being in present here and now. The past is done, the future of course is uncertain. Now is your moment... for you are the creator/architect what happens Next/Now. Everyone is here in this life path dimension to learn, grow and experience from all sorts of perspectives, filters and degrees of separation. Upon completion of this "life game", we once again remember our true essence as we unite with Source. If any one asks you, simply point out that there's a significant difference between being Awake and being Aware. I'd go so far as stating there are no stages/levels to One's 'awake-ness', but there are plenty of facets of awareness. Being awake is as simple as recognizing that we are all One & interconnected (All is One and One is All) while being at peace and in honor with yourself & others. ♥ Namaste Steven ♥ ![]() Straight up noon and on you’re way through a busy courtyard to meet some friends for lunch. Walking amongst hundreds of others seemingly headed to their destinations, when suddenly many people around you just stop and sit, as if on cue. You wonder, what’s going on? What are they doing? Wow! Everyone looks to now be in a prayer or relaxed meditative state. Did I miss some important announcement or something? Flashback to January 30, 2011…this was the scene outside the Texas State Capitol building in Austin, where 60 people gathered peacefully together for a one-hour flash mob meditation. In February, the number of participants grew to a photographer count of 250 people, plus hundreds from seven other cities hosting their own MedMobs. These organizers were inspired by a YouTube video of the Austin event and the idea of people coming together for a singular shared purpose. The idea was born from the collective efforts of three Austin men passionate about uniting humanity in peace, love and harmony. Together, they launched the rapidly expanding movement known as MedMob, with local organizers now in 250+ cities worldwide and growing. The three co-founders: Ben Heath, who set up the initial event on his Facebook page and sent out invitations to 10 friends, that took the same action thus allowing the event to grow into the initial 60 meditators. Joshua Adaire, who shared his inspiration to do an Ohm in the Capitol Dome, which they did immediately following the meditation. Just imagine that beautiful harmonic vibration. Patrick Kronfli, who felt deeply impassioned about spreading spiritual awareness amongst political circles, and while flying back home in November ’10 from an inspirational month long trip to India, he envisioned doing an impactful type event at the Texas State Capitol. Do you feel the synergy! Ben now remains active in promoting the Austin MedMob. Patrick has excitedly dedicated himself full time to the expansion and leadership role of MedMob worldwide and is assisted by Joshua along with other passionate team members. They welcome assistance from volunteers and donations. To start a MedMob in your city, send an email to [email protected] The core mission of MedMob is to assist local organizers coordinate flash mob meditations in cities worldwide until everyone has been invited to participate. Literally! Meditations are open to people from all spiritual paths, perspectives and experience levels. The intention is to be inspirational and impactful for both participants and observers. Through public display of meditation and by sending out positive intentions, we lead by example. Simple acts stimulate major paradigm shifts in thinking. Research has documented that meditation has a positive effect on our health and that meditating in big groups creates an electro magnetic wave that impacts the world around us. The MedMob tagline is “INQUIRE WITHIN”♥ http://MedMob.org The Power of No!
Are you a man or woman of your word? Do you have trouble committing? There is one word that many do not use yet it's a simple one for us to choose Common courtesy seems to be lost and with it comes a huge cost As the saying goes: Let your "Yes be Yes, and No be No" what is stopping this from being so? especially when people know... It's a decision to be honorable or by not using it, dishonorable "Yes" often comes easy and fast But "No" is seldom cast When the intent is clear Do not give in to fear Be empowered with the Power of No ~ Steven by Leah LaChapelle
It is a common expression here in 2011 to refer to an impending event and culminating point in Humanity’s future in terms of “when a colossal amount of excrement comes in direct contact with some ultra high velocity, rotary blades the size of a planet ”. Rather than merely standing by, bracing yourself before you receive your fair share of the odious splattering, here’s a suggestion. Change the context from one of the dread of being slimed with raw sewage fallout, to one of a thrilling opportunity that opens a portal to adventure, transcendence and a peaceful planet! When the shift fits the plan, there will be a revealing of dedicated Humans who are awake and aware and able to transcend the predicted throwback reaction, who are even now, taking Humanity to the next level of our species. Many people know that the great Shift of the ages has to do with transitioning out of fear-based duality consciousness into love-based unity consciousness. But what exactly is “The Plan”? The Plan is simple. The Plan is for you to experience your own personal, profound Shift - right now - by being the Shift right now. Here are 7 self empowering steps to take you to a higher vantage point and vibration to experience your personal Shift NOW: 1. Get grounded to the Earth. You don’t want to be “blown away” by chaos, you want to creatively remain, not by being rigid, but by being flexible. Establish a one-on-one relationship with the Earth herself. Find your center. Come into your inheritance. 2. Be grateful for our coming future, whatever it is, by being grateful for what you have right now. After all, this is our supreme opportunity, after a long long sleep, to wake up to who we really are. Debut the future. Let joy be your pathway as you live simultaneously in past, present, future. Trust the Process! 3. Be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. The Earth is pregnant with the next version of herself. In the latter stage of any pregnancy, it is natural for there to be feelings of uncertainty, clumsiness, cravings, various aches and pains and discomforts. Put your feet up and breathe. Stay enthusiastic. Stay calm. Come out of heavy emotions and concepts and into lighter feelings and experience. 4. Complete your karma. Learn new attitudes and ways of thinking and behaving that are outside of your own drama. If you feel you have already done this and it appears that your karma has returned (as in…. egads, not again???!! I already dealt with that!!), realize that you have a marvelous opportunity to graduate out of it….. by proving to yourself that your attitude has changed. Show up in your story differently. The context is that of a game you’re playing -- with yourself. The situation has no more power over you. 5. Return to innocence. Rather than straining to stop judging, and striving to forgive those who have hurt you directly or indirectly, realize that in Oneness, you are in some way complicit in every crime, wrong doing, or benevolence and sweetness that comprises and permeates Humanity. You have played a necessary role for all of it to occur. It’s all you. Take responsibility. Surrender to love. End the victim/victimizer game. Accept and adore others by loving every inch and aspect of yourself. 6. Make a declaration to yourself that you are a progenitor of the New Earth and New Human lighter density DNA. Love absolutely everything about yourself. There is much Old Paradigm programming to dismantle with this one. We are in the very early stages of realizing that we are the New Human, so you may need to review #5 above. 7. Connect and gather with Humans who are also becoming lighter in the self tyranny department and less dense in their physicality. Play with and practice Oneness with these beings. Be a leader and open the door to freedom by modeling the Universal Laws of Allowance and Balance. Celebrate our individuality and diversity. Celebrate freedom. Celebrate the Shift! When your personal shift occurs within you, you will have discovered your unique purpose, given over your worn out life script to write a new one, and made a commitment to hold the ascension current – no matter what. When enough Humans having personal shifts, fit into the overall planetary ascension plan, the New Paradigm is born. Shift happens! Intimidating turbo fan monsters are optional. Leah LaChapelle is a New Paradigm Awakening Coach in Austin, Texas https://FearorLove.com/awakeningcoaching.htm Another AWESOME article 11.11.11 ~ Opening of the Star Gate http://hiddenlighthouse.wordpress.com/2011/11/10/opening-of-the-star-gate Taking conscious responsibility for your own life, and not blaming others for problems.
Living not based on guilt, anger, fear or hurt, but as a journey toward the love that is God/Source and Universe. Looking at problems as opportunities; perhaps even a long series of life journeys and lessons. Staying conscious with the honest decision to learn and grow. Knowing you may change yourself by changing your thinking. Being the change in the world starts with yourself first; not trying to change others. Searching for strength from the universe by going inside and not looking on the outside. Choosing your own path, rather than following others. Recognizing that love does not have to have conditions attached. Honoring others' rights to their own path. Realizing that now is all you have, since yesterday is just a thought and so is tomorrow. Being interested in only owning your self rather than things. Seeing all of the joy in life rather than the pain. Loving and knowing your self in order to better know and love others. Being curious about extra sensory perception and all it implies. Looking at others as not better than or less. Choosing Love as the focus instead of fear based living. When people come into our life, we should ask these three questions: What is this man or woman to teach me? What am I to teach this man or woman? What are we to learn together? Perception defines our reality “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend” ~ Henri Bergson Our entire universe is energy – vibration waves of pure potential. The electromagnetic vibrations of our consciousness interact with the energetic potential that exists everywhere as the life force to ‘collapse’ the waves and create matter. The patterns of our minds create the form of our world. By simply observing a form, we influence it, and in turn, we are influenced by others. This challenges us to be more aware of the quality of our being and the vibrations we transmit. ”There is no reality in the absence of observation” ~ The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics In this current duality / reality (negative/positive), there are 2 primary core energies -FEAR & LOVE, which all emotions, reactions, experiences stem from. Fear is also driven by 2 primary 'reasons' = the fear of loss & fear of the unknown.
Hate - Anger - Depression - Jealousy equate to fear of the unknown. It's fear of the unknown. The unknown is what it is. And to be frightened of it is what sends everybody scurrying around chasing dreams, illusions, wars, peace, love, hate, all that -- It's all illusion. Unknown is what it is. Accept that it's unknown and it's plain sailing. Everything is unknown -- then you're ahead of the game. That's what it is. Right? ~ John Lennon Greed - Envy- Pride - Resentment stem from the fear of loss. The fear of loss is a path to the dark side ~ Yoda Illness - Disease may also be attributed to fear. Love is a STATE OF BEING not a state of feeling. Love is the most powerful magnetic force in the Universe. Love and illness cannot coexist. Illness is simply the absence of Love and is vanquished by the presence of Love ~ Carnelian Sage, The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World Explore unconditionally saying yes to the facts of life. Accept your past and where you are now. Unconditional acceptance is unconditional love and this is healing. ho'oponopono - let the healing begin ~ ♥ Energy flows where attention goes .... What's your attention focused on ∞ Love or Fear? from Star Wars ~ Qui-Gon Jinn: Remember: Your focus determines your reality. The keys to flowing~riding the Wave in the Universe: Attraction * Intention * Allowance * Balance = L♥O♥V♥E Fear said to Love, "I don't like you". Love said, "I love you anyway". Infinite Love is the only truth, Everything else is Illusion ~ David Icke FEAR Produces and Perpetuates ....LOVE Creates and Promotes. Your Choices: FEAR or LOVE? http://fearorlove.com/fearorlove.htm - Thanks Leah ♥ Never be afraid to peer above the wall of conventional thinking and see what is out there ~ Tony Pinfold Fear just so happens to be what the media so readily churns out and today is also the 10th anniversary of the events of 9/11. Thankfully there is an event, which chose the intention of Love as the focus ♥ a global collaborative effort to recognize today as an opportunity to shift from fear to love ♥ http://OneTheEvent.org They're working in tandem with Lynne McTaggert's - Intention Experiment: http://intentionexperiment911.com Promoting Fear and Hate in America == media, which purposely uses this control tactic to divide and conquer for their owners, the cabal. http://veteranstoday.com/2011/09/04/promoting-fear-and-hate-in-america Humans have misused a lethal combination of force and words to oppose natural evolution. Awaken to who you truly are and who you are not .... if you have to ask how to be free, you are neither truly listening nor reading. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom ~ Bertrand Russell Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood ~ Marie Curie Fear is a darkroom where negatives develop ~ Usman B. Asif He who fears something gives it power over him ~ Moorish Proverb There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear ~ 1 John 4:18 Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world - Sri Ramana Mararshi You are the light of the world, an emanation of pure energy, unrestricted consciousness wrapped in layers of skin and bones, illusions and misconceptions ~ Saleem Rana Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in the mirror. But you are eternity and you are in the mirror ~ Kahlil Gibran |
March 2020