Living not based on guilt, anger, fear or hurt, but as a journey toward the love that is God/Source and Universe.
Looking at problems as opportunities; perhaps even a long series of life journeys and lessons.
Staying conscious with the honest decision to learn and grow.
Knowing you may change yourself by changing your thinking.
Being the change in the world starts with yourself first; not trying to change others.
Searching for strength from the universe by going inside and not looking on the outside.
Choosing your own path, rather than following others.
Recognizing that love does not have to have conditions attached.
Honoring others' rights to their own path.
Realizing that now is all you have, since yesterday is just a thought and so is tomorrow.
Being interested in only owning your self rather than things.
Seeing all of the joy in life rather than the pain.
Loving and knowing your self in order to better know and love others.
Being curious about extra sensory perception and all it implies.
Looking at others as not better than or less.
Choosing Love as the focus instead of fear based living.
When people come into our life, we should ask these three questions:
What is this man or woman to teach me?
What am I to teach this man or woman?
What are we to learn together?
Perception defines our reality
“The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend” ~ Henri Bergson
Our entire universe is energy – vibration waves of pure potential. The electromagnetic vibrations of our consciousness interact with the energetic potential that exists everywhere as the life force to ‘collapse’ the waves and create matter. The patterns of our minds create the form of our world. By simply observing a form, we influence it, and in turn, we are influenced by others. This challenges us to be more aware of the quality of our being and the vibrations we transmit.
”There is no reality in the absence of observation” ~ The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics